Saturday, October 2, 2010


As I sit here in this quiet house, listening to nothing but the heavy breathing of Regan as she's napping in her bouncie (the Dr. says she needs to go on the South Beach Diet to loose some weight, but more in a later post!), I am overcome with thankfulness.  What wondrous things God has done for us over these past few weeks. Ryann had complications to a surgery she had earlier in September to untether her spinal cord.  If it weren't for God's grace, I don't hesitate to say that things could be much different today.  Ryann's middle name is Grace.  We put much thought  into their middle names, and Grace was to be hers.  Grace has been what has gotten us through so many hard times these past few years, and Grace is now what I feel God has once again given to us through such a difficult month.  Ryann is home today, sleeping soundly and recovering from 3 spinal surgeries and a brain surgery.  She is happy, healthy, and by the Grace of God, she will be fully healed!  Thank you Lord for Ryann Grace Harmon!