Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am not "Sleeping thru the night"

We haven't been doing middle of the night feedings for 3 weeks today, so technically, the girls have been "sleeping thru the night"...but why am I so tired? Here's my observation: I think it's a misconception that when your baby is sleeping thru the night, that you are as well! Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I don't seem to get much more sleep than when I was getting up for the middle of the night feedings. Here is what last night was like: I feed at 10:00, which lasts til 10:30. By the time the feed is over, the girls are put to bed and I can finally sit and pump it is nearly 11:00. So, then I pump til about 11:30. Finally, I fall asleep around 11:45-midnight. At 2:30, I start waking up, knowing it's time to pump but am too tired to actually wake up and do so. By 3:00, I'm awake and pumping. I'm back in bed around 3:45. At 4:05, Reese starts crying, so I get out of bed and comfort her, giving her a paci and rubbing her head. After she settles, I go back to bed. 15 minutes later, she's crying again. I get out of bed and console her again, only this time, picking her up and holding her. Because she's really just asleep but fussy, she doesn't want held, so I lay her down, give her a paci (which she doesn't really want), rub her head and she goes back to sleep. 15 min later, same thing, but I just go in and put a paci in and console her, she is almost asleep. Now, it's after 5:00. Finally back to bed. 6:15, Reese is crying and hungry. Time to wake up and feed them. I could put it off and wait for their scheduled 7:00 feeding, but she'll just cry for an hour, and Ryann and Regan start stirring this close to feeding time, so why put it off! Now it's 6:15 and I'm up working with the only solid sleep I got from 11:45-2:30. This is a typical night. It varies between the baby that needs consoling but typically, whenever they get fussy in the middle of the night, it usually takes me about two-three trips to console them and the routine is about the same. They wake up, cry or fuss a little, need some minor consoling and a possile paci and they are ok. So, yes, my babies are "sleeping thru the night," but I am not! Sure, I can go back to sleep after this feeding, but it's always sleeping with one eye open. I know my sweet husband says that I should just sleep all day long if I want, but in all reality, "all day" is only about 45 min here or 30 min there. I could close my eyes during that time, but then the bottles need washed and laundry folded. (note: I could have people come over and help fold laundry and wash bottles, but it's just easier to take the time and do it myself. I usually tell myself, I'll give myself 15 min to do those chores and I'm going back to bed, but typically, the quick task turns into something else or commonly, a baby begins to fuss and I get distracted. I do have people chomping at the bit to help, but we all know how our mind works. We think, "It's just easier to get it done quickly and I can go to bed," only the "go to bed" part just doesn't seem to happen!) So, if my babies are "sleeping thru the night" and I could "sleep all day long if I wanted" why am I so tired!?!



Meagan Maynard said...

Use the help girl... maybe just once a day and give yourself a good nap... might make a world of difference, without giving up your 'freedom' of doing it all yourself... Take care of yourself, you deserve it, and so does the family. ;) love you! Don't wear yourself out now... you have 18 more years!! haha!

Angie said...

Sleeep!!!! Don't worry about the laundry and the dishes, it will always be there, but your sanity not!! I wish I didn't have to work I would totally be at your house everyday and help with a little laundry and do your dishes! Hang in there, and it will get better! Love ya

Tami said...

I know, I know! It's not that I lack the help, there are so many wanting to help. I guess it's just seems like by the time I arranged for someone to come over and do the laundry or wash the bottles I could already have it done! I need to just figure this all out. The lack of sleep is eating my brain cells. It seems so simple to others, but my mind is all jumbled about it!!! Haha!

Meagan Maynard said...

I was thinking yesterday... you could have someone come over just to do an hour of work, let them in, you go to sleep, and they let themselves out... then they are gone when you wake up... and the work is magically done!! haha!

Tami said...

I think you are right girls! It's time for me to have help. Just to do a little around the house, maybe every day or every other day. Actually, fold laundry, wash bottles and maybe a quick sweep would be all that I really needed. Really, I have people bring meals, which is a HUGE help! I made a meal last week and between everything else, it took my entire evening to do it. It wasn't even ready til after 9:30, but the girls needed fed so we woofed down a plate and went to work! Think it's time to make a mayday call! :)

mom2tsgck said...

Coming from a mom of 5 that has always tried to "do it all" ~ don't! Take the help! You'll rest better and you'll be more refreshed (instead of zombied, and I remember that feeling!) when you're with the girls. Just schedule some time for help to come and let them do whatever is on the plate at that moment. You might NEED to sweep before someone is scheduled to come over and sweep, so let them wash bottles. Asking for help is a sign of trust, not a sign of weakness (that I'm still working on myself!). God Bless your sweet family :) Anissa Bowman (p.s. I know you don't know me ~ I came across your blog through mutual friends and I'm totally hooked on reading your story and updates)