Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's all worth it!

It was a rough day. I was tired and the girls (Reese and Regan) were fussy all day. It's not like them to fuss, they cry right before they eat and then they are good. Today was a different story. They just wanted held and cried off and on all day. I'm not sure what the problem is, but as soon as I would pick them up they'd stop crying, so I don't think they are sick. So, it's been a LONG day to say the least, but at the last feed, when I was almost at my wits end, Ryann looks at me and laughs. It was a quiet laugh, but she laughed! It just made my day!!! There will be days like this, that are difficult, stressful, or even overwhelming, but at the end of the day, it's all worth it! It's worth every bit of it! There's not a moment I would wish away, only time I wish I could get back! It just goes so quickly! Even though I'm trying to savor every moment, they just fly by before I've had time to really soak it in!

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